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COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 has changed our lives dramatically and brought with it stress and fear. 

Below are resources explaining COVID-19 and strategies to manage anxiety and the social isolation.


Online Resources for Social Connection and Mental Wellness During COVID-19


Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook


50 Ways to Stay Mentally Healthy while Socially Distancing


Directory of Community Services During COVID


Tips for Coping During COVID-19


Contact Information:

Capacity Building Team: 905-522-1155 Ext. 39343; Fax: 905-381-5620

Community Psychiatry Clinic: 905-522-1155 Ext. 36040

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton – West 5th 

100 West 5th Street

Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 3K7

© 2021 by SJHH Concurrent Disorders Capacity Building Team

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