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In the News

The following is a collection of recent news articles regarding mental health and addiction:

Cultural expectations can lead to more stigma and shame around mental illness, reluctance to seek help.

Reducing patient wait times, expanding mental health, addiction and home care services, and preparing for the next pandemic are among some of the top priorities recommended by the Ontario Medical Association for improving Ontario's health system.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's new cabinet includes a new ministerial post to tackle mental health and addictions.

Nearly 300 people have used the Lifeguard app locally since it launched in April. The smartphone app is meant to prevent fatal drug overdoses.

Legalization has had a positive effect on the justice system, but public health data is lacking, experts say.

a thriving black market full of misleading health claims, and potentially contaminated products.

A new app called Althea Therapy, created by Hamilton-raised mental-health advocate Micheline Khan, connects BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) clients with therapists from their communities.

Mental health literacy must be at the top of the agenda as students return to school, say experts, calling for emotional skills to be taught as a core part of curricula to help young people cope with the psychological toll of the pandemic.

The pandemic has led to increases for wait lists at publicly funded addictions treatment programs in the Sudbury, Ont., area, despite relatively steady numbers of people seeking help.

The pilot is a joint initiative involving the Elgin-Middlesex branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), St. Joseph’s Health Care London, Middlesex-London Paramedic Service (MLPS), and London Police Service (LPS).

Contact Information:

Capacity Building Team: 905-522-1155 Ext. 39343; Fax: 905-381-5620

Community Psychiatry Clinic: 905-522-1155 Ext. 36040

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton – West 5th 

100 West 5th Street

Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 3K7

© 2021 by SJHH Concurrent Disorders Capacity Building Team

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