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Problem Gambling 

Problem gambling is not just about losing money. Gambling problems can affect a person’s whole life. Gambling is a problem when it:

  • gets in the way of work, school or other activities

  • harms the person’s mental or physical health

  • hurts the person financially

  • damages the person’s reputation

  • causes problems with family or friends.


Not all people who gamble excessively are alike, nor are the problems they face. People with gambling problems are found in all age groups, income groups, cultures and jobs. Some people develop gambling problems suddenly, others over many years.


(CAMH, 2018)


Contact Information:

Capacity Building Team: 905-522-1155 Ext. 39343; Fax: 905-381-5620

Community Psychiatry Clinic: 905-522-1155 Ext. 36040

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton – West 5th 

100 West 5th Street

Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 3K7

© 2021 by SJHH Concurrent Disorders Capacity Building Team

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