Click on the titles below to watch some of the presentations and webinars the Concurrent Disorders Program has hosted:
Implementing standardized screening instruments for concurrent disorders in outpatient and inpatient setting​
Mental Status Exams 101: A Concurrent Disorders Lunch & Learn Webinar​
Pharmacy & Concurrent Disorders: A 3 Part Series​
Below are 7 videos of an addiction medicine series brought to you by the CD Capacity Building Team in partnership with Dr. Brendon Trotter of the SJHH Emergency Department.
Addiction As A Disease Assessment and Management of Alcohol Withdrawal
Opioid Withdrawal Part 1 Opioid Withdrawal Part 2
Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Kits Harm Reduction in the Opioid Epidemic Era
Prescribing Considerations in the Opioid Epidemic Era Toxidromes And Sedating The Mildly Agitated Patient
Webinars from other organizations:
Webinar recording: Experiences of cannabis-related stigma
View the on-demand recording here: Webinar recording: Experiences of cannabis-related stigma | Cannabis Knowledge Exchange Hub (cannabisknowledgehub.com)
COAST 24-HOUR CRISIS LINE (905-972-8338)